ITDA-IHMP Partners
ITDA-IHMP Training Partners
Join us here - Today!
Simply choose the partner level that suits your business best. Pro-Member Plans
You can upgrade later or downgrade or even just cancel your subscription at any time you choose! We bill through PayPal so you have complete control...
Note. If you cancel your subcription your benefits will stop and you will be unable to process certifications. All prior certifications and e-certs will remain valid.
We receive just 1 month here & then set-up your monthly subscription or annual payment with discount of x2 months. With PayPal directly by payment request. Fee includes E-Certificate of membership...

Diving Professionals
Leadership to Advanced Instructor
Dive Leadership levels
(Dive Master / Dive Con etc. Any Agency)
may join us as training partners
YOU can work with us as Multi-Agency or you can Crossover. See links here! Join Below...
Dive Leadership Benefits from just $10 USD per month or $49 p.a. Mail us...
Open Water Scuba Instructor from just $15 USD per month or $149.00 p.a. Mail us...

Advanced Instructor / Specialist or Technical Instructor from just $18 USD. Subscribe below or mail us for an invoice for $159 p.a.
Links to...

When you have paid please complete the application
form link here to membership.
Senior Professionals
Instructor Trainers to Course Director
If you are an IDC Staff Instructor or equal with any agency you can join us and upgrade to IT. Or Technical Instructor Trainer - Fees are from just $20 USD per month Subscription by Paypal. Or annual payment of just $175 mail us.
Instructor Trainer or Upgrade Fees are $20 USD. Payhere below and join Today!

Course Program Director
Join us under multi-agency or Crossover to us, Crossover included: Just $35 USD per month.

When you have paid please complete the application
form link here to membership.

Training Partners
Training Facility, Boat or Dive School
This covers our New Affiliate (Silver) and Associate (Gold Member) plus our New Full Partner
(Platium) Status programs.
Affiliate is from just $25 USD per month, Benefits include a materials discount of 25%. Associate Membership is just $30 USD P.M. Benefits Include a materials discount of 35% and Platium Full Member is just $35 USD per month Benefits include a 35% materials Discount plus 1 Instructor registration and annual renewal.
Affiliate Membership Facility (Silver Membership) $25 USD
per month.

ITDA-IHMP Training Partner
Platium Level Membership
$35 USD per month.

When you have paid please complete the application
form link here to membership.
Divepro Partner
Franchise Member of ITDA-IHMP
Our unique ITDA Divepro® Franchise partnership allows you to operate an ITDA-IHMP Training & Certification Agency in your area, Country or region under a license agreement with us. ITDA HQ.
Pay/Buy agreements for 1-3 Years / 5 Years or a monthly subscription. From just $45 usd. or an annual fee of just $450 USD With returns upto $40 to $65k at a basic level.
With on-going support from HQ...
For more information: