ITDA®-IHMP™ International
Education & Training with Passion
Over 27 Years of Service
International Technical Diving Agency
Learn to Dive - Rescue & Specialist - Advanced - Technical - Leadership - First Aid+ Professional - Academy - Occupational - Membership - Standards
Pro Membership Renewal for 2025

Who we are
We are an International training and certification agency for the diving industry (Operating in 65+ Countries) and expanding... Family owned & operated since 1998, and the only International body that trains & certifies levels from; Scuba to Professional - Occupational & First Aid, to International standards, ISO/ANSI and includes an "International Club System"... We added "ITDA Academy" in 2019 for higher education in teaching diving. Academic education of diving professionals & Divers.

What we do
ITDA-IHMP International Training Agency
International Technical Diving Agency - Training & Certification
We educate, train and certify levels such as: learning to swim, Snorkelling, Scuba & Technical Diving to First Aid and Professional diving (Instructor Training & Diving for Work!) - Occupational Diving.
Fast Links - Courses Overview (All) Entry Level - Intermediate - Advanced Diving - Leadership - Instructor - Crossover

Our Programs
Based on Dedication, Expertise & Passion.
This is training section. It's a great place to learn about what makes us special, such as our course programs, standards and our unique training philosophy.

Snorkelling & Free Diving and having maximum fun in the water! SAFELY...

Scuba Certification
From Entry Level Scuba - Experience Programs - Day Courses and Introduction to Scuba, to Scuba Open Water Diver. Rescue Diver - Advanced & Specialist Diver. Master Diver / Dive Supervisor Dive Leadership. (+At Work Diving)

Advanced & Specialist
ITDA Advanced Diving is very different from most other agencies requiring advanced skills developement and Advanced Dive theory.
Specialist Diver offers 3 levels: 1. Introduction - 2.Intermediate & 3. Advanced Specialist Diver...
Specialist Levels
ITDA Specialist Scuba Diver has three (3) Distinct levels:
Level 1. Basic Skills - Introduction level - (On the left diagram above).
Level 2. Intermediate Specialist Certification. (Centre area above).
Level 3. Advanced Specialist Diver (Right side above).
Divers from any agency may take our Specialist Certifications

Dive Leader
ITDA-IHMP Leadership Pro-levels are above most Industry standards, with Pro-Guide, Supervisor and First Aid & Specialist Instructor ratings available.
Master Scuba Diver is our highest Leadership level without being a professional.

Technical Diving
Technical diving is very different from Scuba Diving requiring technical skills development and use of specialist diving equipment.
We offer all levels of Technical Diving, Technical Specialist, Technical Leadership and Professional levels. CCR - CAVE - MIXED GAS - DEEP DIVING

Professional Diving
ITDA-IHMP Instructor Training Program (ITP) meets and exceeds Dive Industry standards plus, we offer a unique experience to gain x3 Instructor Levels from one ITP Course. (Scuba Open Water Instructor - IHMP First Aid Instructor & Nitrox Instructor / Entry Level Technical Pro).
Discover the ITDA-IHMP International Membership System
Training and Certification for Diving & First Aid Training to International Standards
ITDA-IHMP International membership System and Club is a community of diving enthusiasts who are passionate about exploring the deep blue sea. Conservation - Protection and Sustaining the Coral systems and Marine Life.
Our membership offers training and certification for diving to the highest international standards, as well as first-aid training and certification. Plus, Professional & Occupational Diving. With real benefits like. discounts and exclusive offers from our partners around the world.
We believe that learning to dive safely and responsibly is key to enjoying the beauty of the underwater world. Join our online club today and connect with other divers from around the world.
From leadership levels (Any Agency) you can become an ITDA-IHMP Professional with credit for previous experience and certifications. Divemaster / Dive Con and other levels... We offer many flexible options...
“I'm a diver of 20 years and I took an ITDA Specialist Course and found it to be fantastic... Great fun, great instructor in Jose and great service from ITDA so I joined the ITDA Family and never looked back...
Bryan Jones UK
My name is Janye and I was new to diving, so I tried the introduction program and went directly on to complete my Open Water Certification. It was such fun and so rewarding. I recommend ITDA to all.
- Janye Saunders USA
My wife and I are both divers but quite new to it. We loved the upgrade from Open Water to the ITDA Rescue program and specialist programs. My wife & I did marine life, had a great time in Tioman, Malaysia.
- Kim Hung SG